* William Donzelli <wdonzelli at gmail.com> [120307 10:47]:
Perhaps it was
six minutes early. ?Frankly, I consider cancelling it in
the last day of listing as suspicious.
It would have to have been 12 hours and 1 second earlier.
I am not defending the dirtbag seller - but just pointing out
something that bugs me. There tends to be a good amount of
exaggeration when it comes to describing Ebay seller horror stories.
Exaggerating the facts does not help anyone.
Yes, understood. But as I said, a cancellation within the last day is
suspicious to me. And after the fact really sours me to the experience.
Hmmm...nobody exaggerates the Ebay success stories.
There are eBay success stories?
Seriously, being the winning bidder on multiple thousand auctions I have
found that the majority of sellers seem to be honest and comunicative.
With the state that USPS, UPS, and Fedex have delivered packages to me
I've had many chances to contact sellers with respect to items broken in
shipping (some due to mindboggling poor packing and some just
mindboggling in how the shipping agent managed to damage it.) Many
sellers have been very good and responsive to that as well. And in the
cases where they have not, eBay's resolution process has been a positive
experience (though I'd usually much rather have the item in good
condition than get my money back.)