Hi Guys:
Just thought I would drop a line and let everyone know that I have some old
computer equipment for sale (might even be free to a good home) as listed
1. PDP8A system, with programming front panel. Comes with PDP8/A Field
Drawings Manual, and I believe it has an A/D peripheral.
2. Somewhere, (I haven't seen them for years) I have a pretty extensive
library of PDP8/I manuals on Microfiche. This includes the 32K Disk
Subsystem, Hi Speed Paper Tape reader, PDP8/I Math enhancement, Dectape
System, etc. Used to have the paper copies, but they were
too bulky so I paid to have them put on Microfiche (which was quite pricey
as I recall).
If anyone is interested, I'll try to come up with more info, including a
complete list of the manuals on fiche, and a list of the boards installed in
the 8/A.
I also have some old modems, including one from an ASR33 TTY, and a 1200
Baud commercial modem from the early 80's. In addition, I have a
couple of old S-100 System enclosures with backplanes and power supplies,
along with a whole box of S-100 boards including 8085 CPU, memory,
A/D, comm cards, and various I/O. Even some manuals to go with...
My name is Darrell, and you can contact me at