It was thus said that the Great Kevin Handy once stated:
So what would it be? My vote is for FORTRAN.
Are there any schools teaching FORTRAN and more? Does it
have an active community? If not, you are going to have problems
finding good FORTRAN programmers in 30 years. I don't know,
but lately I haven't seen many people who know anything about
FORTRAN except that it was an early programming language.
Also, which version of FORTRAN (IV, 90, Watfor, ...) do you
want to develop around.
I know one guy, younger than me (I'm in my mid-30s) who not only still
uses FORTRAN, but still *writes* in FORTRAN, for his job [1].
-spc (Don't thing FORTRAN is going away any time soon ... )
[1] He has a Ph.D. in physics, and does simulations of the
interior of stars ...