I think we all need to take a step back, grab a few drinks, and try and
look at what's going on here.
So far, everyone has had some valid points. If we interpret the FAQ
literally than perhaps Sam is right. I would tend to believe, however,
that Bill Whitson's original idea was to have "liberal" restrictions on
the group so as to perpetuate discussion of "classic" computers. Not all
posts have adhered to the exact words of the FAQ. Some examples
might be posts on logic probes or on "orphaned" machines that aren't
necessarily 10 years old. The idea behind these posts is that it might
be something that interests people who like to talk about classic
computers or that this mailing list might actually be the best place to
get info on that topic. There are noted exceptions of course, but I
think that what would be best would be to ignore these posts and just
delete them as was earlier suggested.
I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is that the FAQ should'nt be
treated as gospel but as *general* guidelines that should (normally) be
adhered to. This means that instead of launching inquistions against
people who may post off topic, a "Hey, please try and stay on topic for
now on, but, yeah, I don't like AIWA CD players either" would be nice.
There really is no need to attack poeple either. We all have our "allegiences"
and we've all probably have had some kind of altercation with Sam in the
past but I really think that we shouldn't take all this THAT seriously! Sam
has called me an ass recently too. SO WHAT? I sent an e-mail back to him
and called him an asshole too. CASE CLOSED. We're ALL assholes to
some degree but when it comes down to it, if I need help putting an Apple II
back together (something I know NOTHING about) than Sam is here to help.
So... on that note. I am in need of some old removable SyQuest disks for
an SQ555 drive. (the 44mb variety) Anybody know where I might find some?
The local 'puter store still sells them for $40 a pop!