I was digging in the basement, and found a few things I forgot I had. I think some on the
list may be interested in copies of some of this stuff, if so, let me know off list.
A lot of Pick Assembler documentation from my days working on the Pick O/S: The original
"rainbow" microdata reality assembler manual, the ultimate pick assembler
manual, the general automation pick assembler manual, and the alpha microsystems pick
"open architecture" assembler manual. Some of the stuff in this box was
"confidential - internal only" and not for public release. I doubt they care
these days.
Various info on the M4 Data autoloading 1/2 tape drive: The M4 Data 9900 series tape drive
field service manual (very thick, includes schematics), the M4 Data Diagnostics manual for
8900, 9800, and 9903 streaming tape drives (this is really 5 pages of quick reference
lists for the diagnostics on the drive). Then there is a 3 page chart showing the jumper
settings for the optional SCSI interface card (this drive was most often pertec, not
scsi). I seem to recall someone asking about this on the list a while back. I was sure I
had accidentally pitched this info - so I was quite happy to find it, since I have a mint
M4 in the basement :)
Jay West