What is this CRAP!
All all laws just and fair? Hell no.
How about a law against long, off-topic threads on this list!
Lets not kill the messanger (yet), but lets kill the OT threads, please.
Richard Erlacher wrote:
see below, plz.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Allain" <allain(a)panix.com>
To: <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Celebration (intended to be offensive, possible humor)
- - - - -
"if {people} disobey the law, that's prima fasciae evidence that they don't
to be part of the society, hence, that they need to be removed from the
- - - - -
Sorry, I can't let a statement like this be made without dissent.
(1) I can't expect an enforceable perfection from others, and
It's the notion of intent that's the problem. You can't measure that,
so it's the act that's got to be the determining factor.
(2) see no need to make any penalties not match
the crimes
involved. This is the modern equivalent of 'Eye for an Eye'.
That's the other side of the coin. If you adhere to the slippery slope notion,
then you recognize that if one is mildly punished for stealing a grape, but
severely punished for stealing a pig, it's easy to make the transition. If
one's killed for either, it makes no difference, since it will only have to be
dealt with once.
Just ask yourself, "What would it take to make me (meaning YOU) adhere to all
the laws all the time?" Adhering to the laws is far from perfection, since the
laws aren't perfect. Laws are the minimal conduct needed from every citizen in
order to have a liveable society. If you don't care to live in a society with a
given set of laws, you should leave. If there's no place on the planet where
there are laws that suit you, then you should go elsewhere. The laws define the
minimal acceptable behavior within a given society. If you don't want to adhere
to those minimae, then you should be ejaculated from the society. Surely
there's someplace that will tolerate your behavior, but others, those willing to
behave within the legal standards, shouldn't have to tolerate your antisocial
and extralegal behavior.
If you don't like a law, then set about to change it within the system. In the
meantime, however, you must still behave as a law abiding citizen. Part of
effecting change involves work and suffering, the rest is waiting.
You enjoy the freedoms you enjoy only because others, less selfish than you
repress their urge to harm you whenever your extralegal behavior irritates them.
If you KNEW for certain that someone else would take it upon himself to punish
you by some equally illegal act, and any illegal act is equally illegal, you
might not behave as you do.
> - - - - -
> "Clearly, you can't see the sense of this"
> - - - - -
> Yup, me too.
> - - - - -
> "You know as well as anyone, that if you KNEW for certain that you'd be
> killed
> for speeding"
> - - - - -
> If you're talking about death for speeding and the like, then I believe the
> people
> would toss law enforcement altogether and start over.
> John A.