On 08/11/2014 01:52 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
On 11 August 2014 20:22, Electronics Plus <sales at
elecplus.com> wrote:
Sorry, the AT are all gone. There are 11 XT
keyboards left though.
Aw, shame. I have AT-to-PS/2 convertors and PS/2-to-USB convertors,
but I don't have an XT-to-AT one and they're quite expensive. :?(
Ah well -- good luck! Time to risk eBay?
Contact James Pierce (he posts here occasionally and on
vintage-computer.com). He looks to be getting ready for another run of
the PCBs.
Heck, you don't even need a PCB--just a couple of DIN connectors and a
PIC12F629 with a cheap programmer and a bit of perfboard. The source
and object is posted on Erik's Vintage computer forum.
Cheep, really cheep and works very well.