--- Megan <mbg(a)theworld.com> wrote:
I've finally got this old PDP-11/24 up and
running. The system has
1 meg of RAM, but keeps giving insufficient memory errors when trying
to run various programs (like ADVENT.) I can't believe that ADVENTure
would eat up more than 1 megabyte of ram. Is there some tuning bit
that I am missing here?
Unless the program has been designed to use extended memory overlays, or
specifically designed to use extended memory directives, it is limited to
the standard virtual memory address space of 56kb, minus whatever is used
by the monitor (and this is carved out of the low 56kb of the machine...
the rest of the 1mb is unused).
Since ADVENT is such a monster, overlays or no, another thing that might
matter is a) which monitor you are using and b) which version of RT-11.
I do not have hard statistics to quote, but I am fairly certain that
between RT-11 v4.0 and v5.3 (two of the more common versions still in
use today) and between the various monitors, there can be several Kbytes
of difference in free memory - enough to matter to something as large
OTOH, if you are building from source, that might matter, too, depending
on the version of the compiler (the libraries/runtime, essentially), too.
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