On 4/17/2012 7:01 PM, Evan Koblentz wrote:
I emailed Landon and I was prepared to buy the //e
Platinum. I emailed
him Saturday, which was plenty of time before his Monday morning
deadline. He emailed me back today saying he already trashed it. Why
the (BLEEP) would anyone who claims to care about vintage computers do
that??? And why have a deadline if you're not going to keep it?
Luckily, someone on this list advised me of his reputation, so I'm
glad I didn't do business with Landon.
I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think he actually had it. He offered
to sell me 8 of them at $20 each + $60 shipping if I just sent him money
in advance. Of course, I didn't. This also came up