On 8/21/2006 at 11:56 PM ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk wrote:
I actually have a book of electrical things for
boys to make which
suggests makine a sausage cooker that simply connects said sausages
across the (110V) mains. Hmmm....
I suspect that if one wanted to use 220v mains, one would hook two sausages
in series...
Personally, I'd rather use a step-down _isolating_ trasnformer :-)
I am trying to rememebr other ways of determining
the polarity of a DC
Salt (NaCl) on moist blue litmus paper will turn red around the v- pole.
That is one type of 'pole finding paper (this is chemically-treated
strips of paper that you moisten, then put the wires on the ends of said
strip. It changes colour at one end, giving the polarity of the supply).
Another well-known one is a mixture of starch and potassium iodide.
At one time (before my time) you could buy pole-finding paper from
electrical shops (or so I am told). These days only eccentrics like me
have even heard of it
I once knew a fellow who swore he could TASTE the difference when one lead
was touched to his tongue (the other being held between moist fingers). He
probably speaks with a permanent lisp now...
Yes, a friend at HPCC claims to be able to do that. We've never needed to
put it to the test, though (I have a Fluke DMM at the meetings...)