On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Hans Franke wrote:
Please, Max, do you belive the CD was invented
together with the
486 ? <g> - Just for the records, I had my first (private owned)
CD Drive on a 386-16 MHz. At the office we had an CD connected to
a XT (a genuine PHILIPS audio drive with changed controller to
supply raw CD data to the PC - all work was done by a 4.77 MHz
8088 :)), while later on most friends used 286 with CD, this
was at a time when 286 _and_ XTs still rueled the (PC) world.
Also there is no reason to hinder a CD from working on any 386 box.
In fact, from todays view it es necersarry to attach a (cheap) CD
if you want to use the 'old' 386.
And coincidentally, it was MS/PC - DOS 3.10 that was the first version to
have the "network redirector" code necessary to be able to run MSCDEX.EXE.
Also, before the days of IDE CD-ROMs, and "Sound-Card interface", there
were a lot of bizarre proprietary CD-ROM interfaces.