David Wollmann wrote:
These could
also be used on the Sanyo MBC-55x series PC "compatible" as it
used the Apple socket type joystick.
Was this the same Sanyo that was sold as the "Silver Fox" or something
along those lines?
Well they called it the "Silver Box" but most of us that ownedd them started to
call them the "Silver Junk Box" after we really found out what clunkers they
were. They made a PCJr look to be 100% compatible. Sanyo didn't even put an ALT
key on it.
Back in 1984 when my wife and I were looking for
"our" first computer, we
had originally settled on the Leading Edge/Mitsubishi and called to order
one from an outfit in AZ. As usual, we were a day late, Mitsubishi had just
put the clamps on the Leading Edge mail order business the day before. We
managed to "bribe" the salesman to "buy one for himself" and ship it
to us
on the sly, but he got cold feet and backed out. Our second choice was a
toss-up between the PCjr and Silver Fox (??). We ended up with the PCjr,
which may or may not have been the better of the two. Now I have about
thirty PCjrs in storage in different states from empty boxes to complete
I guess you wouldn't want to buy a PCJr color display then (grin). You ended up
way ahead, believe me. At least the Jr runs MS-DOS that the others can run, not
a hacked version.
Before the jr was unplugged for the last time, it ran
the NPCjrUG BBS with
a 10MB Racore hard drive (blew up two disk drives before we got a good one,
one just from wifie's vacuum cleaner bumping the desk--needless to say, the
carpet around daddy's desk was "hand cleaned" from then on) a Racore 384K
expansion in the drive stacker, a 128K Microsoft sidecar with bus mouse and
one of the first three USR Courier 2400s in Tulsa, as far as we know. We
were so cool.
I too put a lot of unecessary time and money into my "compatible" to find that
it was a real pain to hang onto. I've had offers of free Sanyo (I pronounce it
Say-No anymore) four or five times and without hesitation refused them all. No
more Sanyo anything in computers for me. I ran Fido off 4 floppies on the Sanyo
as well down in Champaign-Urbana Illinois for a while too.
Of course, I'm getting old (39 this July), so I
may have the chronology a
little screwed up.
Wanna trade? I just turned 41 last month.
I always wondered what that Silver whatchamacallit
would have been like...
I haven't even scratched the surface but you can imagine.
Pretty nice site, I'll have to explore this one more....
Russ Blakeman
RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
Phone: (502) 756-1749 / Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
Email: rhblake(a)bbtel.com or rhblake(a)bigfoot.com
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