Got this one the other day - we don't need any more PET or QL stuff, and
he's given me permission to post here.
Contact him directly if interested - he's got a couple of weeks before
he moves apparently.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Chris Jones <member at>
Reply-To: member at
To: donations at
Subject: Donation offer
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 08:43:53 +0200 (CEST)
Hi Jules,
I have two commodore CBM computers from the 80s which still work (an
8032 and 4032 upgraded from and labelled 3008). There is also a 5.25"
disk drive (working) plus manuals/books/software etc. Would you be
interested in adding them to your collection, or know someone that
would? I am moving house and will readily donate them - I dont really
want them to end up in land fill!
There is also a sinclair QL and memory expansion/manuals etc.
Chris Jones