I do this sort of thing for Northgate Omnikey keyboards.
Two paper towels, folded on the perf, to the left of the sink.
One margarine dish in the sink.
Fill margarine dish with hot water.
Add a little dishwashing goop (I use Palmolive because it's there).
Pull some key caps from the keyboard.
Put the caps in the margarine dish and swirl them around.
Let them soak, while you pull the next batch of key caps.
Remove and scrub with a sponge one cap at a time, shaking the cap to
remove any excess water before sitting it face down on the paper towels
to dry.
Repeat 'til done.
You'll probably need to move the paper towels (before they get too
covered with caps) and fold another set, maybe twice or three times to
get through the keyboard.
Be careful when pulling big caps, they usually have some supporting
widgetry that can go flying when the cap pops off.
While the caps are drying, you should take the keyboard the rest of the
way apart to blow out any dust and detritus and scrub the casework
(again, dishwashing goop and water, maybe stronger stuff if needed).
Let it all dry before putting it back together.
Once cleaned, I generally wrap a keyboard up in a 13 gallon kitchen
garbage bag to keep it mostly free of dust and critters. Cables can
be coiled up inside the bag too. (Yes, I have a supply of spares...
I use these keyboards!)
-Frank McConnell