Just out of
curiousity, do the USB-parallel adapters support all the
low-level bit-twiddling that you can do on a real PC printer port? Can
you treat them as 12 digital outputs and 5 inputs?
Not as far as I can tell - they are printer interfaces, not GPIO. I
have never considered them a replacement for a real parallel port, but
I see.... So considering all the things I (and others) have made that
link to PC parallel ports and which _don't_ use the centronics protocol,I
can think of yet another reason not to downgrade to a modern PC.
I didn't bring them up because the OP was
comparing RS-232 (and stop
Sure... It's called topic-drift :-)
bits, parity, baud rate, handshaking, etc) vs USB
attached devices.
Actually, do the USB-RS232 adapters (I refuse ot say USB-serial, since
there are many, many serial interfaces, including USB itself) allow you
to do all you can do with aa PC Async port? Like setting odd baud rates?
Or 5 bit mode (yes, I do sometimes want to talk to ta Creed 7)