vi forever! <dives off stage>
Speaking of vi, I have something neat here in front of me... Bill Joy's
personal copy of the vi 2.6 source with 2.7 changes hand annotated. I got
it from him at Berkeley in the early 80's not long before he left his
'permanent grad student' status to co-found Sun. My hazy recollection is
that I asked him for the sources of ex/vi and of the Berkeley Pascal
compiler (that he also wrote) and he pulled it off the shelf and handed it
to me. As a lowly undergrad I didn't have online access to stuff like that,
or at least things weren't as findable as they are today.
Obligatory historical notes: most of the public terminals at UCB then were
ADM-3's, almost dumb as rocks, thus the modal ASCII command set and slow
serial optimized screen updates. The screen module was pulled outby Ken
Arnold, one of my classmates, cleaned up and became curses, motivated almost
entirely by the needs of rogue and mille bourne.