It seems unlikely I'll ever end up with one, so
I'm happy to have found
this emulator, updated less than a year ago...
THey do turn up on Ebay from time to time. They often sell for quite high
prices, but a battered, non-working, one can be affordable.
The main 'battered' state is a cracked or worse keyboard bezel. It's
plastic, and it gets _very_ brittle with age. If you have the bits you
cna stick them together iwth dichloromethane and then use the cotton
fabric trick to streghten it, but it wil lstill be very brittle. Alas I
doubt that repalcement bezels could be economically made.
The 'non-working' is less of a problem. The only cusome ICs in there are
the ROMs. These are HP mask-programmed ROMs, and they are odd in other
ways. It is posisble to kludge in EPROMs with a bit of extra circuitry,
and anyway the ROMs are not the most common failure point. The RAMs are
1103s, which are hard to find, but not impossivle. Jaut abotu everythng
else is TTL, although some of the 74Hxxx parts are not trivial to get now.
The main problem is fiding the fault. I feel there are 4 things you need
to debug an HP9800. The schematics; the CPU microcrode listing; a logic
analyser; a brain.
It's a bit-serial machine, so you do need to be able to capture add
examine the bitstreams in and out of the registers. And I find that one
fo the best ways fo find out what hte machine is doing (so you can
compare it with what it should eb doing0 is to conect the lgoic analyser
to the microcode address liens (available on the test conenctor on top of
the 09810-66513 CPU Control PCB [1]) and see what microcode routines are
being eeecuted. You cna check it's fetching instructions, you can make
sure it's not stuc in the I/O loop or addres indrection loop, things like
[1] HP call it the 'microprocessor', but that term has a totally
different meanign to the one we are all familiar with.
as regards basic tropubleshoorting, what I do is :
Tke everythign out out and look for burnt/misisng parts. Clean and oil
the cooling fan, etc
Power up the mains transofmrer only and check the AC output voltages.
Fit the PSU PCB and check the DC voltages.
Fit the CPU clock PCB (09810-66512) and check the master cloc, BitCLk and
muCLk are all running correctly.
Fit the rest of the CPU, the memroy address and data boards, ROM, RAM and
display. Power up. If I am lucky (I never have been) I get the right
display. Most likely I get a blank displane. The,,,
Check fior DispStb on the display control edge connector. If it's
present, then the most likely problem is inthe display logic. If it's
absent, then check the CPU clocks are still running (if not, the darn
thing might be stuck i na memroy refresh cycke), then check that the
nemory controlelr state machine is running, that hte microcode is
running, etc. Then trace the microcode. In genral you pick up the problem
farily quickly if you un=derstnad the machine.
Be warned that the first 200-or-so machines had a _very_ differnet memory
system to later ones. It is very unlilkey you will see onme of these, in
fact it's possible none exist (since if any part of thememyo system
failed, the board-sapping repair involved replacing all the memroy and
memroy control boards). But it's taht design that appears in the
well-known patent.
More likely you'll conme across a machine where the memory timing is
handled by a state machine.v Bebugging that is 'fun'...
Incidetnally, HPCC (Handheld and Portable COmputer CLub) ahs published a
series of articles on repairign these fine machines. After minor
correction and tidying up, it's likely they will be released as a single
It's a fun emulaotr, but the real thing is much mroe interesting.