From: dkelvey at
To: cctalk at
Subject: RE: S-100 power supply transformer
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 18:15:27 -0700
From: lynchaj at
To: cctalk at
Subject: S-100 power supply transformer
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 16:51:44 -0400
Hi! Does anyone know of an available transformer suitable for making an
S-100 power supply? I need 120VAC input and 10VAC output and +/- 18VAC
The best I solution I can find is two separate 80VA transformers; one
parallel 10VAC output and another 36VCT output which can be configured for
+/-18VAC outputs.
What you want is an 8 volt and a 13.5 volt AC. You forget
that the DC voltage is created from the peaks not the RMS
average. You have to account for diode drop as well.
That is how I got the numbers. I assumed full wave rectification
and .6v per diode.
I forgot to mention. You need to derate the transformer
as well. The problem is that the current flows when the
voltage is the highest ( or close to it ). The math is a little
complicated but it means you need to increase the rating of
the transformer by at least 1.414.
If you can't find a transformer with the right windings,
I recommend looking at toroidal transformers. These can
easily have turns added to increase or buck the voltage
of the secondary.
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