On 22 Apr 2013, at 18:40, "Bob Armstrong" <bob at jfcl.com> wrote:
I've got a little "satellite" PDP-11/23 with just a CPU, memory , some
serial ports and a BDV11 bootstrap card. One of the serial ports is
connected to a bigger PDP-11 running RSX-11M+ and DECnet-11M. My goal is to
use the DECnet MOP bootstrap built into the BDV11 to download a "bare metal"
application from the RSX system on the bigger -11.
So far, so good. After a little twiddling with the DECnet configuration
I've got it so that I can trigger the BDV11 boot and the host will download
the secondary and tertiary loaders to the satellite. Amazing :-) Now the
problem is for me to write some application for the tertiary loader to
download. Writing a PDP-11 assembly program is not an issue for me, and
I've got MACRO-11 and TKB on the host system, but I don't know exactly what
DECnet wants.
How is the application system image supposed to be made? What's the file
format that DECnet wants to download? It's probably made with TKB in some
way, but what are the proper TKB options? Where (in memory) does it get
loaded on the satellite? What address does it start execution at ? Is the
MMU turned on? Is the I/O page mapped? Are any useful values (e.g. a
pointer to a valid stack, the address of the download device CSR, etc)
passed in the registers? So many questions !
Can anybody point me to documentation on this, or an example of a little
program that gets downloaded via DECnet MOP?
In the olden days, people probably would have generated an RSX-11S system
and downloaded that, but I don't have an 11S kit so that's not an option.
Does the trailing-edge ftp site have any RSX-11S kits?
Bob Armstrong