Version 12 for DOS was already becoming old when I first learned how to use it
in 1995. So where could I be expected to go out today and buy a licensed copy?
Besides, it's purely for my personal non-commercial use.
LOL, and right now it's NOT being used, because I can't get it to run on my
computer, thus I posted the OT message here. So Autodesk temporarily wins.
--- John Foust <jfoust(a)> wrote:
At 01:00 AM 1/4/2005, der Mouse
<mouse(a)> wrote:
I have no knowledge either way. But it does seem
to me that just
because person B doubts that person A knows it's pirated does not
necessarily mean that that person B has reason to think it's not.
My hints come from his mentioning that several people helped him with
"finding a copy", as well as my experience with the shark-like rapacity
of Autodesk's licensing requirements. Call me skeptical. It's not
like AutoCAD is a thirty-years-extinct product. It's alive and well.
You're supposed to buy it.
- John
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