I mean to add, that view is looking through the machine not the
connector. So with the PSU oriented in it's natural position, that is
the pinout of the solder pin tails coming up through the PSU PCB or the
face of the connector on the main board.
Also I never scoped the control pins to figure out their roles. The
board and mounting hole dimensions are in the Eagle files.
On 2019-09-24 10:27, alan--- via cctalk wrote:
I stuck the files up here for the next few weeks as I
don't have a
project page for it yet:
Hope this helps.
On 2019-09-24 01:39, Chris Hanson wrote:
> I?ve seen that datageneral.uk at least has a pinout for an Eclipse MV
> SCSI port, which hypothetically might match the AViiON DB-50 SCSI.
> In the absence of real docs though, who can say?
> Can you post the AViiON AV300D power supply pinout you?ve figured out?
> Maybe I can power on my system with a couple bench supplies or an ATX
> supply...
> ? Chris