In article <200601292133070498.4081C024 at>,
"Chuck Guzis" <cclist at> writes:
On 1/29/2006 at 10:11 PM Richard wrote:
You can do almost anything in awk. ;-)
True, but then, you can do almost anything in machine language or SNOBOL.
;<) All in all, maybe C is the best tool for the job? Anyone know of a
good Unix implementation of IITRAN?
Once I learned sed/awk/grep/sh I stopped writing C code for
manipulating text files.
And once I learned Perl I stopped writing in any other language ...
except macro-11 that is ...
I first learned to program in high school in IITRAN running RJE paper
tapes via an ASR33 to the IIT Univac 1108...
Then I *really* learned to program writing machine language programs for
their IBM 1620 mod 2...
I still have some IITRAN programs around (hard copy). Also some SPANTRAN
versions as well (SPANish iiTRAN).