I picked up a couple of IBM circuit cards today for ~$1.50.
The first is about 3.5" x 4.5", has 2 24 pin connectors, 5 of the IBM
square metal IC cans and many other components. It has id numbers:
75114 4B01536A1590 VCC
The other is 7" x 4.5", has four 24 pin connectors, 6 larger metal IC
cans , 9 DIP chips and misc components, it is marked
4161595A2828 VCC13607010
Does anyone know what these do and what system they are from and their
approcimate age ?
They came in nifty plastic "conductive containers" marked IBM with small
windows allowing you to see what is inside.
If nothing else they are great examples of IBM technology.
Hans B. Pufal : <mailto:hansp@digiweb.com>
Comprehensive Computer Catalogue : <http://www.digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc/>