SYSTARTUP_V5.COM on a copy of the disk under SIMH
and without it it does boot - so it's definately something
in the startup files that crashing it.
I didn't get LICENSE LIST/PROC to work, but I found
LICENSE ISSUE/PROC which I think is what you intended.
I extracted the license and was surprised to discover
that there's no hardware ID in them - so I dug a bit
deeper and discovered SHOW LICENSE/CHARGE which indicates
to me that SIMH is simulating a VAXserver which does not
permit VAXstation licenses - the VAX-VMS 5.5 license
indicates that it's 'D' (VAXstation). This is probably
why it will not activate.
I have another big (5.25") drive with VMS 5.4-1 on it.
I can boot it but it requests for other drives to be
mounted and can't go any further.
It's got a LOT of stuff on it. I have trouble mounting
it under OpenVMS7.2 because it keeps going offline and
then remounting with mount verification - I don't know
why it does this. I did manage to copy off the license
.LDB file and used license issue/proc * /DATA=file to
extract the license data from it. There are a total of
490 licenses installed on it! I can send you the list
if you want to see if there's anything on there of
interest/worth trying to recover.
It has an unrestricted VAX-VMS license - I hoped I might
be able to use it for the VMS 5.5 under SIMH, however it
complains about the product release date - apparently
it's not valid for a newer version of VMS.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: