Well dernit =-) I just worked out a deal so that
I'll be retrieving
*3* PDP-8/Is in the next two weeks, weather permitting. Yes, that's
right...*3* of them. =-)
Three more saved from the brink...
Also a Linc, which I'm ashamed to
admit I'm much less familiar with though I have seen mention of it on
some of the other web pages. (I'll be researching that!)
A LINC!!???!?!?!
If it is an honest to goodness original LINC (made by DEC or someone
else), get that before the PDP-8/Is! They are incredibly rare. A bit later
DEC merged a LINC with a Straight-8 to make a LINC-8, also a very rare
machine (I know of three survivors of a little over a hundred made, all
around 1967). Those in turn begat the PDP-12s, esentially PDP-8/Is merged
with LINCs.
Or it could be a LINC that is something completely different...
Keep us informed!
William Donzelli