Tried ImageDisk on some Kaypro disks this morning...
Buggers recorded side1 as additional sectors of side0.
The different set of sector numbers didn't bother
ImageDisk, but it had a bit of a tantrum with the Head
ids which didn't match the physical head selection.
I can imagine that someone somewhere does weird things
with the Cylinder ids on a track as well ...
So .. as of a few minutes ago, ImageDisk can handle non-
standard Cylinder and Head ids on individual sectors.
I added this in a way which is backward compatible with
the existing image file format - basically, I used two
unused bits at the top of the track Head indicator to
indicate the presence of a "sector Cylinder map", and/or
a "sector Head map" - these maps will be present when the
track contains cylinder/head values which do not match
the physical location of the track.
I'll post the updated version later today after I have done
some further testing.
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: