I'm getting a little time to go back and work on my 11/45 project...
Tony wrote...
> So, I would propose the following tests :
> 1) Make sure you can read/write all bits from external memort. Just write
> 1, 2, 4 ,8, 16,.... to successive locations using the panel and examing
> them. Jsut to eliminate a silly fault like a dead data buffer.
If there was a
dead data buffer, how on earth could the machine sucessfully
boot and run xxdp+? I will try this test anyways.
> 2) Run the basic instruction diagnostic if
you've not done so already.
> This should veryify that the data paths are OK.
I am having some trouble
finding the right diagnostic for basic instruction
test on the /45. I will find it tonight and post the results.
> 3) If possible, try some other interrupting
device. An obvious one is the
> console receiver. Wirre a program to : Load all the vectors with .+2,
> as you did for the line time clock test that's failing.; Read the
> Console
> Rx data register to clear the data received bit (if necessary); then
> enable the receiver interrupt; and go into an endless loop. Then you
> press
> a key on the conosle. The processor should halt, but _where_ does it
> halt. If 4, then it appears the processor is ignoring all vectors.
I think I
see what you're saying. After I try the first two tests, I will
need some clarification on this and post again :)
> Hopefully this will point us in the right
direction to look for the
> fault.
I hope so, I need to get this machine done to consolidate some room the
basement that the wife is eyeing for her use ;)