On 9/19/2013 12:00 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
I just tested
this out with the PC sending a "break" (for the record,
I'm using a *real* RS-232 port, not a USB->Serial adapter for this -- I
recently discovered that my USB adapter doesn't actually support 110
baud, guess how I found that out? :) ). When sending a break, the
current only drops to about 19.5mA.
No wonder you can't send any data, then.
That would be interpretted as a
constant 'mark'.
So, I guess there could be a hardware problem
here, but this assumes
that the way I have the 8/L hooked up to the adapter is actually
correct. I had thought that the configuration I have is correct (I had
A wiring
error is a hardware problem ;-). More seriously, what I meant
was that if you can't get the RS232 port to turn off the loop current,
then there is no point invesitgatign the software on either machine.
Understood. (And for the record, I've checked my wiring from the W076 a
dozen times. In fact, I just checked it again. I swear it's right.)
thought that the 8/L would be considered an
"active" port) but I'll
reiterate that I've never fooled with current loops before and so my
assumption may be in error. I probably have a lot to learn here :).
OK, I am
hopefully not insulting your intellegence too much here. I will
try to start with the basics.
Suppose we have 2 devices and we need to send an electrical signal from
device A to device B. The obvious wa to do it is for device A to output a
suitable voltage and device B to have some kind of voltage detector.
That's what a voltage-level interface, like RS232 is.
The other way is for deviec B to sense the current flowing through its
input cicuit nad deviec A to somehow control that current/ That is a
'current loop' interface. As an aside, there is nothing that implies a
current loop has to be a digital intterface. Just as a voltage-level
interface can be analogue (a sensor can output a voltage depending onbthe
quantity it is snesing), a sensor can also control the current in a loop.
In fact many industrial sensors, at least over here, have a '4-20mA'
output, they are designed for use in a current loop with a suitable
analogue current detector.
It is perhaps interesting to realise that if the sending device is perfect
(that is, the voltage output in a votlage-level sender is independant of
load, the current in the current loop is independany of the loop
resistnace), then voltage level interface is unaffected by leakage
between the wires, but the received voltage (assuming a non-infinite
input resistae) does depend on the wire resistace whereas the current
loop current is unaffected by the wire resistance but the current through
the detector will be reduced by any leackage in parallel with it. In many
cases leakage is a lesser problem than wire resistance, hence the use of
current loops
Let's get back to digital current loops of the type you're tryign toi get
to work. The current loop circuit is quite simple. It is a loop
containing 3 items : A 'switch' to control thr current; a 'sensor' to
detect the current; and a power supply.
For practicla reasons it is sensible to put the power supply in the same
case as one of the other devices. An current loop device (wheter sender
or detector) with the power supply built-in is called 'active'. One
without is called 'passive'. You link an active device to a passive
device. That way you have the 3 things you need in the loop. 2 psssive
devices linked together can't work, there is no power supply to send
current round the loop. 2 active devices linked togethter is a bad idea,
there are then 2 power supplies in series.
The Teletype Model 33 is passive on both transmit and receive AFAIK, It
is certainly passive on transmit. The transmitter is just a complex
circuit of switch contacts. So anything designed to connect to that
transmitter has to be an active interface (and yes, every DEC terminal
interface I've looked at has been active).
The fact you are getting loop current means you have a PSU in the loop
too. That is, there is an active device in the loop. Since the RS232
interfce you are using, wired as you say you have wired it, is passive,
the PDP8 must be active.
I think, though, you don't need ot worry too much about 'current loop' if
that's what is scaring you. You hve the scheamtic of the RS232 adapter --
it's in the document you pointed us at. I am sure you have schematics of
the PDP8 side too. In which case you can analyse it like any other
circuit. It's just transistors and simple ICs after all.
Now for a dirty trick I learnt years ago. I notice there's an
opto-isolator in the RS232 adapater between the RS232 input buffer and the
current swich transistors. I don't know if the idle state of this
opto-isolator is 'on' or 'off'. So for the dirty tricks :
1) You can see if the isolator should be on by measuring the voltage drop
across the LED series resistor and seeing if the LED is carrying any
current. See if that changes when you send a break.
2) The really dirty trick. If you want to force an opto-isolator off,
short out the LED conenctions. If you want to force it on, short C-E on
the output-side transistor. For opto-isolators in 6 pin packages, those
are pins 1-2 and 4-5 respectively. See if doing either of those will
reduce the loop current to near 0.
The idea is to find out what section works and what doesn't. There
aren't that many components involved.
Thanks for the explanation, Tony -- I appreciate it. Based on this, and
what I'm currently seeing (i've double checked that the 8/L is
generating the current, and that the adapter is definitely not) it's
looking like the adapter is at fault in some way. I hope to have some
time this weekend to open it up and fool around with it as you've suggested.
Thanks again,