> But
there's another reason. There seems to be no correlation between
> technical ability and wealth (if there is a correlation, it's small and
> negative, in that highly-paid jobs tend not to be electronics/computer
> related). Which means, alas, that some old computers, the Apple 1 being a
> prime example, are not so likely to be owned by people who can restore
> them, care for them, and run them.
More bullshit. You have provided no evidence that people who are wealthy
don't care about the things they buy, nor that they have no skills to
Do you actually understand what 'no correlation' means? Hint, it is not
the same as 'negative corrleation'.
restore them (do you have *any* idea how many silicon
valley millionaires
there are?), or will not run them. The sentiment expressed here is
simple wealth envy and nothing more.
Paul Allen is pretty damned wealthy and he has *all* of the qualities
you assert that he does not, simply because he is wealthy.
I asserted nothigg of the kind. I said 'no correlation'. Which says that
weath has nothing to do with techncal ability.
If a machine has no financial value, but is interesting for some
techncial reason, then it will not be bought as an investment. The only
people to be interested in it are those who intend to run it.
If a machine has financial value, it may end up in the hands of soembody
who views it solely as an investment and who never runs it. That is the
pity. Of coruse it might be bought by a techncially-competent person,
when it might be run again
should be done. Until then, please, just shut up
because it's not
your right to tell other people what to do with their property.
I cannot see anywhere where I suggested what people should do with their
property. I jsut said that in my opinion it is a pity if machines are
treated as an investment and never run.
Heck, unlike some others here, I don;t even think that making a profit is
wrong. I do think that telling lies about the value of a machie to get it
cheaply is wrong, but it's the lies I then object to. And there is no
reason to suspect that his happend in the case of this Apple 1.