--- On Tue, 12/13/11, vintagecoder at
aol.com <vintagecoder at aol.com> wrote:
Hmmm, will any old CRT monitor work? I might be
to see if I can
scrounge one of those even though finding a home for it
would be a problem.
If you're willing to go get a CRT monitor for some kind of RF->composite->VGA
kludge nightmare, why not just go get a television set? They're just as common and
free. Besides, if you collect old home microcomputers or video games, you should really
have at least one real TV.
Was hoping to avoid the CRT death rays though since I
enough of that
for decades. The newer flat screens seem much healthier.
I am unfamiliar with these "CRT death rays" of which you speak. If you're
referring to the old wives' tale about X-radiation, then stop worrying. You're
exposed to FAR more radiation aboard a commercial flight than you are from sitting in
front of a CRT.