The C4 Commodore show, held every summer near Cincinnati, Ohio, did
not happen this year due to lack of funds. The loyal Commodore scene
doesn't want to make it two years in a row, so they are experimenting
with pre-funding the show this time around:
For this iteration they will be following the model set by Chicago's
VCFMW/ECCC and opening their show up to all sorts of vintage
computing, as well as extending the event to two days. The tentative
date is the weekend of June 8, 2013. Like our show, no admission will
be charged, but any donations are greatly appreciated.
At this time I am not part of the planning process for the show but I
do plan to make a donation and, work schedule permitting, attend.
Questions should be directed to the contact address on the page above.
From what I've heard, the venue alone is worth the
trip. (Also the
USAF Museum at Wright-Patterson AFB, which I have been to, can
eat up a whole day.)
Retrocomputing and collecting in the Chicago area: