>> Check out ebay auction 190467284114 and you
can clearly see there are
>> DIP64
>> MC68000 CPUs going to the scrapper bin.
>> This is painful to see especially knowing the S-100 68K CPU board is
>> entering build and test. I know builders will be looking for these parts
>> soon.
>> The DIP64 68000 CPUs are still available though this seems like such a
>> waste
>> to scrap classic ICs. I think it is tragic.
> Andrew, Am I wrong, or the 68000 IC is a **very
common** microprocessor?
> :oO
They could easily be sold for much more than the value
of the metal
recovery. eBay has them going for $8 to $50 or more each. Also amateur
gold scrappers have a nasty habit of making a mess with their chemical
E-bay pricing can be bizarre and I would argue is not always
representative of the "real world". Jameco lists
Ceramic DIP64 68000 (pulls almost certainly) for $9.95 and
I would expect them to work.
Jameco used to have early dynamic DRAM's and shift registers
By the metric buttload (e.g. 1103's, 2504's) presumably pulls but
In other cases maybe a little closer to "floor sweepings for hobbyists".
Having worked with 1103's I would argue that by modern standards
Even the "cream of the crop" were little above floor sweepings.