Maybe we can salvage this thread..
If you +do+ happen to be interested in owning an SBC / digital computer
trainer, there are still quite a few Heathkit ET-3400 up on eBay at the
moment. Prices have come up a bit - though not much - from a year ago, when
they were selling for ~$40.00 USD.
Nice little units, and full documentation is freely available.
Now a question..
On the LabVolt SBC, there's a little keylock on the lower, left of the
board. What's the purpose of the lock? Are there costly (RAM?) chips inside
there, or...?
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 4:08 AM, Christian Corti <
cc at> wrote:
On Wed, 17 Feb 2016, Jose Manuel wrote:
I have a Kim 1 board.
Please contact.
So what? We have at least half a dozen KIM-1, some with expansion boxes,
EPROM burners, memory extension, etc.