Rob <robert at> wrote: On 08/05/07, Jules Richardson wrote:
The 'net is pretty transient, though. I've
been bitten by things disappearing
in the past where I hadn't archived them locally because I'd made the
assumption that "they'd always be there". Worse still, the bigger the
the less likely it is to stay around.
Well my laptop had 10,000 files (mainly system related - Windows 2K) when I first got it.
Now it has around 40,000 files largely thanks to Windows Update and storing all the old
trash... err... updates.
My stuff consists largely of YouTube video's (about 1 Gigs worth), pictures, images,
software (which is about 500MB's worth).
I back up to CD-R's monthly (usually 1 for Progran files and another for video's
etc.). I do have most of my YouTube video's on the aforementioned USB flash stick (in
another thread), but it doesn't work too well. For some strange reason it doesn't
like certain colours... either that or some parts of it's flash memory are faulty :(
I would backup to DVD-R's, but my drive can only read DVD's and not write to them
I would be tempted to get a 400GB/800GB harddrive from PC world, but I suspect these new
vertical harddrives won't last half as long as my CD-R's, as they will be more
affected by gravity, won;t they?
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at