More on the topic.
Thanks, Al, for the microcode rom dumps (however the 12823-80020.bin, F-SIS
is missing - lost somehow during copying?).
I've seen that the base ROMs slightly differ from the microcode listing in
the 2109-90004_1000EF_uPrgRef_Apr80.pdf from your site. What is the
relation between both sets?
I've hacked together a simple microcode disassembler for these ROMs, with the
exception of the 1816-* ROMs that I do not know how to handle (any further info?).
This code is fully public domain (not even GPLd) (dis_rom.c). You can find it
and its output, when used on the ROM dumps, at:
The F-SIS listing will follow once I get the missing dump above.
Compile as usual:
gcc -o disrom dis_rom.c
Usage is:
disrom oct_baseaddr rom_at_0_7 rom_at_8_15 rom_at_16_23,
disrom 06000 12824-80007.bin 12824-80008.bin 12824-80009.bin >vis.lst
for the VIS instruction set.
I'll have a look at the microcode and will see what those obscure RTE6 extensions
and other stuff really does. Don't stay tuned yet, but expect some more info in
the future.