On Wed,
2007-05-23 at 23:11 +0100, Tony Duell wrote:
I wonder why the VT100 interface was so odd.
Maybe to get it onto a 3 pin
connecotr so they could use the 3-pole jack plugs (as we call them over
1: "I bet I can do it with power, ground and one signal wire"
Engineer 2: "I bet you can't"
I'm suprised sobody at that point didn't suggest modulating the power
line and getting it down to 2 wires ;-)
I was once told a probably apocryphal story that the 11/730 came about
because an engineer bet he could fit a VAX CPU onto 3 hex-height cards
using only standard chips :-)
More seriosuly, I was once sort-of involved in a piece of digital design,
and there was some combinatorial block that took in 3 bus lines and
outputted an enable signal to a buffer chip. Without even thinking about
the problem, I said 'I can do that in one chip'. One of the others said
'OK, a PROM or a PAL I suppose'. I said 'No, A normal, non-programmed
chip from the TTL data bool'.
OK, which chip was I thinking off?
Guessing a active low enable. Hmm TTL ... 74150
Almost any decoder comes to mind or some 3 input nands.