I got one for $5 at a garage sale. Everything but the hard drive (CP3044
40MB) seems to work.
I cracked it open and replaced the hard drive with one of about the same
vintage and still no go. Further research indicates that it only works
with 3 very specific drives, although I don't know what those are other
than the CP3044.
The two ROM sockets are empty. I think they could contain ROMs with a
floppy disk image and allow the machine to boot without a disk. Anybody
know if this is right? Do you need both sockets populated for an
even/odd byte thing or is it one ROM making up a disk and the two
sockets making two disks?
This leads to an OT MSDOS question: Can MSDOS be told about a hard disk
that the BIOS does not know about? You can probably see my line of
thinking. Make a floppy that boots DOS and can talk to the new HD. Burn
that onto a ROM and then make the machine boot from the ROM socket.
Now what I would do with this 286-10 after that is unclear.