<On another tack, the chassis I got did not come with any covers. I don't
<know if this is "standard" or not. (I know the PDP-5 isn't designed to
They are missing then. The 8E had a cover as did the 8l and I think
the 8I.
<and so that has left me curious. I'm probably going to build a display rac
<for it anyway with clear sides so that folks can "see" the innards without
<risking getting fingers in them.
Compare to a real top for vent slots as needed.
<P.S. I'd like to thank Allison for relating the story of bringing up her
<8/F since it inspired me to move forward on this project (code named
<"FrankenEight" as it is a PDP-8 built out of parts exhumed from dead 8's
<other mysterious sources ...)
My pleasure. I'm still working on mine to get it talking over the serial
(I havent tried and I have to make a RS232 cable).
Still they are a really fun machine and gobs of fun to hack new interfaces
only. Omnibus 8s were the most hacked of the series as the bus made them
easy to interface to and DEC make no secret of what is needed to do it.
add to that with 8kw or more of core it's a machine that can do serious
work if one chooses.