On Thu, 7 Jul 2011, Pete Turnbull wrote:
True, but only for X-sync, which is what's needed
for electronic flash.
Less likely to have FP or M sync for flashbulbs, which I bet is one of
the things what Tony was thinking of, and in fact I don't think I've
seen that on a DSLR. But then, modern DSLRs are designed to be used
with modern electronic flash, not bulbs, which are fairly hard to find
now. Ditto for a lot of reasonably modern (last few decades) film
cameras, actually.
It is hard to find ANY flashbulbs, particularly #6 and #26.
And I can not find ANY flash powder. So much for awesome night-time shots
at Burning-Man. Time to learn some remedial chemistry.
My digital camera doesn't even have a real cable release mount. But, I
can get around that with a 4 conductor 2.5mm plug and a couple of
resistors. I've played with the Focoslide a little, but just can't seem
to come up with a need for the Visoflex.