The original Onyx ('Terminator') generally
only had 3-phase if it had the VME
backplane package added. Mine came from Boeing and had the VME cage (and a
bunch of custom hardware of which I have no real understanding what it
interfaces to), but it runs just fine on single-phase.
Ah okay.
For convenience I, uh, replace all the honking great
TwistLoks, et al, with
NEMA50P oven plugs. Both the plugs and the receptacles are cheaper than dirt
and easily sourced even in a town of 4,000 people in Iowa. So when I use the
Onyx I have (which is in my office) I unplug the oven (in the kitchenette)
and plug in the Onyx.
I like the twistlocks so much, would never let em go!
Yea, that's kind of my next trick. The J90 has
some big-ass power cables I
need to put NEMA50s on.
I put 30A twist locks on them, they were cut from the prior owner on mine
(the plugs were hacked off but there is plenty of power cable.)
Which reminds me - what the heck is the trick to
getting the two cabinets to
interlock? I can get the front tabs hooked in between the two cabs, but for
the LIFE of me I can't get the back to get it to sit the IOS cabinet's inner
frame inside the processing cabinet's outer.
Man up! Mine is J932 so the CPU cabinet is about 2.5' - 3' deeper than the
disk cabinet. There are these silver square box things with screw holes on
opposing sides. Screw one side of them to one side, and swing the cabinets
together. The floor needs to be fairly level. I usually find it's easier
to push the disk rack around so I mate the disk rack to the CPU rack. I
assume the CPU Rack on a J916 is quite a bit lighter (but not light.)
There are screw holes for that hook together block on both sides. Maybe I
just finger tighten the one on the CPU rack because it's hard to access -
can't quite remember.
Ethan O'Toole