Joe R. wrote:
The problem with money orders is that they're
now being counterfitted
and many sellers are refusing to accept them. But I like your idea of
bringing in the postal authories. Do you know if they would actually persue
the seller in a case of fraud or misrepresentation?
The PostMaster General won't even look at anything less than $10,000
USD, at least in domestic cases. My boss suffered ID theft a couple of
years ago, and the <expletive deleted> that hijacked his cards literally
ran about $9950 on each account. She did so by submitting
change-of-address affidavits by mail, which made it mail fraud, but
since no single card was defrauded by more than $10k, the PO never even
looked at it, even though my boss put proof in their hands and even
though they were aware that the same individual had gotten away with 3
other instances, doing the same thing.