I had a pair of Trackstar cards that were each essentially an Apple ][
Plus on an ISA card. I couldn't figure out how to make them work, so I
sold them on Ebay... I think. I would rather have had the later
Trackstar card that was an Apple//e on a card, anyway.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Eric Chomko wrote:
I have a 16 bit ISA card that is a Motorola 68020 with 68881 (or is it the
68882?). Anyway the card
is a complete single board computer that plugs into your AT system. It is made
by a company called
DSI and came with C and FORTRAN, I believe.
I actually collect ISA cards that have interesting processors on them (i.e.
80186, 68000, 68020, 386
486, etc.)