On Thu, Dec 27, 2018, 13:23 Jason T via cctalk <cctalk at
classiccmp.org wrote:
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 11:17 AM W2HX via cctalk
<cctalk at
Does anyone have a (preferably working) 9-track
drive that can be used
with a PDP-11 (like a pertec interface) for sale? Willing to
drive anywhere
from Philly to Boston for one.
A bit out of your range, but if we can figure out transport, I have an
AT&T-badged HP 9-track, with Pertec interface, that I've been trying
to unload for years (they're heavy!) It's yours if we can move it.
It's clean and powers up and gets through self-test. I have not had a
compatible machine to actually read a tape on.
I'm in 60070, near Chicago.
Hi Jason!
If this goes unclaimed, I'd be happy to give it a home. I've been trying to
find a time to get a few things from Jack Rubin too; not sure when that
will be yet. Probably after VCF SE.
I have a bunch of tapes from some Harris minicomputer that I'd like to
digitize at some point. I finally got around to digitizing the paper tapes.