On 7/28/10 4:24 PM, Rob Jarratt wrote:
Well I definitely know very little when it comes to X.
I don't have xdpyinfo
as far as I know (it seems to be a Unix thing, I am running VMS 5.4).
Ahh, for some reason I assumed you were running Ultrix. The xdpyinfo
program is a fairly standard part of the X distributions, though, and
it's likely there somewhere.
Exceed offers the following settings for the server
Auto Select
StaticGray (Depth 1)
Ok, that's a good selection that should support pretty much any client.
I got Exceed to create a trace file, this is what it
showed after I started
the login program:
Cannot find color 'decwblue'
Clearly that last entry is of some significance! I
found a definition of
decwblue and added it to the Exceed rgb.txt file. With that I got a colour
Excellent! Good sleuthing!
However I still get a horrible fine-grained black and
white pattern
for the background, rather than a smooth colour as shown here:
http://toastytech.com/guis/DWlogin.gif. It is the background you get when
you start the X server and before a client has connected. There don't seem
to be any errors related to that though.
Yes, that's the default X backround pattern. The default background
for xdm should be settable in its resources via its app-defaults file.
But...does DECwindows use something other than ordinary xdm by default?
Do SHOW PROCESS and find out; I don't recall.
There is also an error in the log above reading a
font, is the font supposed
to be on the X server or downloaded from the client?
Standard X fonts reside on the server. I say "standard X fonts"
because there's a trend in current X development to do font handling on
the client side. That won't be happening here, though.
After I got the colour logo, I then logged in and got
some other errors in
the log too:
3 > OpenFont: decw$cursor
3 < C:\Program
Warning: Access refused on ChangeHosts request based on security setting in
Warning: Access refused on ChangeHosts request based on security setting in
Connection read error at 144525
Not sure what ChangeHosts means and what the implications are.
I'm not sure what that is either; I've never seen a message like that.
I'm betting it's Exceed-specific.
Anyway I have some colour now and it looks more like I
would like it.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL