(There ARE rare exceptions, where the code number and
depths are
algorithmically related, such as 1975 Honda door keys where the code
number is just the list of depths in reverse order. I don't see an
obvious algorithm. "XX" COULD be a "don't care, no pins in those
but we would still be missing one of the seven? cuts.)
I am pretty sure the old DEC frontpanel keyswitch has al l7 pins present.
I can't remmebr if I've ever taken one apart (I've certainly done similar
locks), but I possibly have, and I would have noticed 'misisng pins'
6 pins (spaced at 1/7th of a circle with a gap where the locator is)
would be very unsual simply dcause these switches have their stable
positions (off/on/paanel lock) at posuitons where the pins line up. That
is, if the lock has 7 pins (spaced at 1/8th of a circle), the switch
positions would be at 45 degree spacing, which is sensible. 5.142 degrees
is not.
POSTS those depths, then the key can be cut manually
(drill press
recommended, if an appropriate keycutting machine is unavailable).
And to think I was going to hold the blank in a dividing head and guc the
slots with an end mill....