Been AFK and out of town for a week and just catching up on all my email messages.
I'm on a couple of emailing list where the modified subject header is an issue
of contention. Not sure why, but the square bracket header thing sure helps me.
Everyone else just does this by default.
My work around is have procmail add the [square] bracket entry to the header
when the email come in.
Here is a sample procmail recipe from another mailing list.
# IPv6 operators forum header
:0 fw
* ^List-Id:[ ].*\<ipv6-ops\.lists\.cluenet\.de>
|/bin/sed -e 's/^Subject:[ ]*/Subject: [IPv6 operators forum] /'
This works great for me.
YMMV. enjoy,
On 11/17/15 09:54 AM, ethan at wrote:
By any chance could someone configure the mailing list to add [cctalk] or
[cc] or [cct] into the beginning of the subject line? Not looking to filter,
just not looking to delete messages.
Ethan O'Toole