On 4/7/2013 7:38 PM, William Donzelli wrote:
I d not know about VMware, but with z/VM, native on
the IBM
mainframes, it is fairly common to run three or four nested virtual
machines while developing stuff.
There is an option for 64 bit systems + the
vanderpool vm bit
implemented that will allow hypervisors to run nested. I'll put a link
to a vmware community posting later. Only thing to point out is that it
takes not only the vm assist, but a 64 bit only option. I've not looked
into it to quote intel bits, but I do have a couple of 64 bit vm
assisted processors that don't support nesting, if you plan to do it
study which one you need before wasting money on the wrong processor.
When we developed on VM/SP5 we routinely ran everything 2nd level for
all of our user work, but had configured all of our working systems to
easily be dropped to the hardware and be run standalone. Also one of the
guests we developed ran third level frequently on the development
machines, but again we had the hardware to have everyone on dedicated
3380's so we could point at them and boot either the VM or the Ultimate
system directly if need.
the Vmware is usually used from what I've seen for configuring and
testing vmware esxi system configurations on a single system before