what's the most sensible format for backing up PAL chips such that they can be
recreated on a different system to that which they were backed up on?
My standalone EPROM/PAL unit seems to understand the following data formats:
motorola s rec
intel std & 8086
elan fuse map
mos tech
texas tags
tex hex
... some of which are presumably EPROM-only formats (I don't have a manual for
the programmer)
is there some sort of common format/size for PALs too when reading (akin to
always being able to read a 27128 EPROM as a 16KB device regardless of who
actually manufactured it)? I'm concerned that this programmer might be too
old to have data on some of the PAL chips that I want to archive - but if I'm
only interested in archiving them (and so can set the type to something of the
right 'geometry' from a different manufacturer) that's not necessarily that
big a deal.
Advice appreicated :) I'm used to working with EPROMs, but PALs are a total
unknown to me!