Ian King wrote:
I thought we were done with the gratuitous Microsoft
bashing. -- Ian
not bashing - just saying
PS: it's my understanding the International Space
Station runs on NT.
umm, their laptops don't operate the space station, neither
do the NT
file servers.
Aerospace vehicles are always using a FAA DO-178B level A certified
rtos, whichever happens to be installed on this - I don't recall at the
moment - but it sure as hell isn't Microsoft Windows.
BTW, it was a spontaneous reboot loop in a non-Microsoft embedded OS (VxWorks, as I
recall) that crippled one of the Mars rovers for a considerable time.
FYI -- the third party file system became full, as such, they never
wrote an exception trap handler for this(nobody's OS can recover without
the proper exception trap handlers) -- that was a classic example of a
failure in not anticipating the unforeseeable(even years from now) --
something we as engineers get paid to do -- and not performing a
stringent regression test for a user application simulating long time
periods -- although the project was planned to last only 90days(but
actually lasted a lot longer)-- something which a project engineer is
expected to define, to make sure the engineers did their job right - as
such it which was circumvented afterwards when a more realistic scenario
was experienced in the real world(space).
BTW, the Mars Exploration EDL vehicle (which transported the rover) also
used VxWorks and it happened to work flawlessly
Flight vehicles have more stringent testing requirements than land vehicles.
sorry for getting off-topic here
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