On 10/5/06, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
I hit on the idea of a big wall-mount Sudoku game,
either controlled purely by
TTL logic, or by some 'period' single-board machine....
Yep - given the application, I expect each digit probably needs to be 3-4"
tall to give a game grid height of somewhere around 3ft.
I like the idea of the 9-layer plexiglass sandwich displays (you don't
need '0' for your application), but I _have_ seen 3"-4"-tall 7-segment
displays. We have a "mission control" type clock here (not GPS
controlled, but does have an NTP client onboard). I haven't measured
the LEDs personally, but the clock is over 3' long.
A quick google search on '4" 7-segment display' gives this as the second
$8 each (q. 10) doesn't sound bad, but 81 of them is a fair quantity.
Perhaps you could negotiate a slighty lower q. 100 price?
This sounds like a fun project. Good luck with it.